- Lots of crying
- Lots of making out
- Lots of dope action sequences
- Lots of themes of family, with the very notable exception of the show's ultimate hero, whose family is never mentioned

Your Chicago Curated Weekend: 5/19-5/22
Could this finally be the advent of summer for good? My phone is telling me that we'll be in the high 60s all weekend, then in the 70s the next week. Feels like we're finally heated up to the point of no return, and that means it's time to kick your activities into full gear—we all know how energetic a Chicago summer is, and how quickly it flies by. So get outside!
Or you can do what I did and marathon Avatar: The Last Airbender. Sorry for this digression, but I have to talk about what a damn good series it is. The storytelling, the character development, the world-building—all the elements of a classic epic combine to weave a narrative full of mythology, adventure, and surprising emotional depth and darkness for an all-ages show. I'll probably have more to say on the show at some point (still getting over the rush that comes from reaching the finale of an engrossing series), but for now, I'll sum my thoughts up like so: