Welcome back to Third Coast Rewind where we are continuing to share selected readings from the Kill Your Darlings series.
Chicago's live lit series
Kill Your Darlings was originally performed in August and September 2016, and Third Coast Review was on hand to record these auditory amuse-bouches for podcast. Tree Falls Productions and 3CR presented seven themed evenings of storytelling, inspired by the website’s curated cultural categories, and mixed in improvisation by the Darlings, and multimedia music and projections. If you missed the live shows, feed your ears with art, stages, food, literature, music, screens, and beyond here!
This episodes features readings from the art night and give you a better idea of just how diverse a single night at
Kill Your Darlings could get. Listen in as the art night curator Aaron Sanchez discusses his views on art, Karin McKie tells of her personal art history, and Ruth Margraf bring cubism to the auditory realm.
You can follow Kill Your Darlings over on Twitter
@KillDarlingsLit for more info on this live lit series.