TCR Mixtape No. 25: That Gum You Like Is Going To Come Back In Style

chicago, local music, mixtape, It is happening again. Honestly I didn't think it would ever happen again. I was too young to have watched the show when it originally aired, but its legacy and legend seemed to influence everything around me. Everyone seemed to talk about the show's influence, particularly on Lost and Veronica Mars which were incredibly indebted to David Lynch's mysterious town. Every online discussion on TV and the upcoming golden era of it ended up on Twin Peaks and it unresolved snipits. It wasn't until I was 18 when the series became wildly available again and I could finally watch it. To say the least, I was entranced. Having already been an ardent Lynch fan by that point, I became entrenched by Twin Peaks' skewering melodrama by feeding into it and otherworldly threads that wove together into a dark mystery. Going into it I knew that so many of the visual and mysteries would gone unexplained (I mean it's David Lynch, you should realize ambiguity goes had in hand with the artist), but the theorizing kept me going deeper into the seedy underbelly of the show.  I was even a fan of the prequel-sequel film Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, which by all accounts turned up the disturbing nature of the show. The show's revival is happening this month and I expect little answers to some of my long running question. Instead I'm eager for more ambiguity, more riddles, more clues, and ultimately more of Lynch's skewed vision. So what better way to prepare for a misadventure into the little sawmill town than by listening to a mix exploring the beautifully odd sounds that inhabit Twin Peaks, from industrial noise to cheery golden tunes that at once fell out of place but just right. Save for the covers of Twin Peaks-related songs by Xiu Xiu and The Icypoles, the majority of the tracks on this playlist come from musicians and actors who will participate on the production on the show or at least were announce to be on the show. I suggest you sit back, grab yourself a damn fine cup of coffee, and enjoy this primer for the new season of Twin Peaks.

Julian Ramirez