Photo via Outfielders, Field Museum
If not already evident from the influx of rainbows around town, it's Pride month, and Chicago is all in. And even though many people consider the Pride parade the main event, in fact there's been a full roster of events going since June 1
st, with participation from local businesses, the city itself, and our fantastic roster of museums.
The Field Museum, which up until recent parade changes had been a frequent float feature, has its own Pride event coming up this Tuesday, June 20th, and it's a great one. Organized by the Field Museum's own LGBTQ group,
Out in the Field: Slushies and Science is a night of cocktails and science for a cause. Last year's event coincided closely with the tragedy at Pulse nightclub, and all proceeds from the event were in turn donated to
Equality Florida to benefit families of the victims.

Photo courtesy The Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago
This year, though, the Field Museum wanted to contribute to an LGBTQ cause closer to home. As a result, they're teaming up with
Project Fierce, a charity that helps homeless queer and trans youths. Project Fierce is currently fundraising towards opening operations this fall, and needs to raise 100K by September 1
st to do so.
The event looks to be a fun one, with discussion centering around the science of sex, including mushroom sex and fish that swap from male to female. As per usual with the Field Museum, there's show to this tell, so you can expect a fun, informative and interactive experience. Tickets for the event, which will be held from 6 to 8 pm on Tuesday, June 20th at
Sidetrack on N Halsted, are only $20, and aside from blinding you with science, will also include 2 drinks and ample apps. If you'd like to take part,
register on the Field Museum's website while there's still time.