©Image courtesy of Sarah-ji.
The Poetry Foundation has issued an open call for posters, signs, banners and other visual materials that were used on the streets of Chicago during recent resistance protests and marches.
The materials will be curated for the Poetry Foundation’s exhibit,
Signs of Resistance, to document and amplify the words of Chicagoans against racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and other systems of environmental and institutional violence.
The exhibit, which will celebrate the voices of those on the frontlines and the "poetics of citizenship," will open October 4 and run through December 22. All materials submitted will be donated to the Newberry Library for their Protest Ephemera Collection after the exhibit.
If you have such material, you can deliver or bring it to “Signs of Resistance, c/o Poetry foundation, 61 W. Superior St., Chicago IL 60654,” by September 1. Include the following information: event, event date, event location, your name (optional), your email address (optional) and any additional comments you want to add. You can send by USPS, UPS, FedEx, messenger or deliver it personally.
The foundation says they can’t return materials to sender. If you have questions, send them to fsasaki@poetryfoundation.org. The foundation notes that materials exhibited will be chosen by the curators and everything submitted will not necessarily appear in the exhibit. See the
website for details.