Pro Publica Illinois and Free Street Theater to Get People Talking Around the State

ProPublica Illinois is joining with Free Street Theater to listen to people around the state and and "to think creatively about how to bridge divides and earn trust among the state's diverse, geographically disparate communities." ProPublica, a newsroom of investigative journalists, began operations in Illinois last October; Free Street Theater, a 49-year-old organizarion, uses live exercises and activities to get people from different backgrounds to start talking. They're looking for your input on where to go and who to work with to get the project going. (ProPublica)  
Nancy S Bishop

Nancy S. Bishop is publisher and Stages editor of Third Coast Review. She’s a member of the American Theatre Critics Association and a 2014 Fellow of the National Critics Institute at the Eugene O’Neill Theater Center. You can read her personal writing on pop culture at, and follow her on Twitter @nsbishop. She also writes about film, books, art, architecture and design.