Lottery Control Board Chair Resigns After Referring to City as “Shithole”
llinois Lottery Control Board chairman Blair Garber tendered his resignation Wednesday after referring to the city of East St. Louis as a “shithole” on Twitter. After President Donald Trump used the term to refer to Haiti and countries in Africa, which was confirmed by U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), country musician Charlie Daniels tweeted “Mr Durbin I’m so sorry that your virgin ears were blistered by the absolutely horrible language president Trump used in front of you.” Garber, also a member of the Republican State Central Committee replied to Daniels’ tweet, saying “Charlie, Durbin’s home town is (get this) east St. Louis illinois! The shithole of the universe!” A spokesperson for Governor Rauner said that Garber “has apologized for his comments and is resigning from the Illinois Lottery Control Board effective immediately.” (Belleville News-Democrat)