Gallery: Friday at C2E2 2018
We were on the floor bright and early Friday morning for the kickoff of C2E2 2018. As it turned out, so was everyone else. As soon as the show floor opened it was brimming with people all ready to celebrate the best of nerd culture, shop for goodies and check out all the amazing cosplay. C2E2 has undergone quite a few changes for this year's con, perhaps due to the record crowds it saw last year. Most of these are positives, with more than a few creature comforts making the con a little easier to navigate and survive, though the increased security this year could sometimes add extra time to your travels in the South building. Still, with all of the main hall's floor space being used, quite a few more food vendors (including some in the Main Stage panel room once the show floor shut down), and the relocation of Family HQ to be closer to the rest of the activity, C2E2 has grown up for the better.
This year looks like it'll be no less crowded than last, so if you're headed out for Saturday or Sunday, be advised that parking will likely be full by 10:30 am. We'd recommend other modes of transportation unless you want to gamble with your time. Panel queues are manageable, even for the very popular spotlights in the Main Stage room, and though some were full up with standing room only, this was handled well by staff, and everyone who wanted to get in seemed to be able to. We're not sure if this will change as the weekend brings even bigger crowds, but for now we're happy to see that even the big name panels are accessible to all.
Another great thing we're seeing this year is a huge local presence. Cards Against Humanity and Revolution Brewing have a huge presence at the con, as do many other amazing institutions beloved by Chicago nerds. We caught folks from The Logan Theatre, I Play Games, Chicago Loot Drop, Jackbox Games and The Second City within just a few minutes of being on the floor, and there's more local awesomeness we'll be sure to get to in the next two days.
If you'd like to hear more about the panels we attended, be sure to check out our panel wrap-up for Friday as well, and make sure you say hello if you see us on the floor! Happy C2E2 weekend, Chicago!