Illinois Gubernatorial Race Tops $200 Million in Fundraising

Billionaire gubernatorial candidate JB Pritkzer surpassed Governor Bruce Rauner in campaign fundraising over the weekend after donating $25 million more into his campaign fund, bringing his war chest up to more than $106 million compared to Rauner’s $76 million. That brings the total amount of funds raised in the 2018 election for Illinois governor to more than $200 million, including money raised by candidates in the primary, along with third party challenger former State Rep. Sam McCann. "I think this is becoming more and more of a competition of bank accounts between two fairly wealthy men," said Eric Bradach, political director for the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, which tracks campaign spending. The race is on par to become the most expensive gubernatorial election in history, with the record being set in the 2010 California election at $280 million. (Politico Illinois Playbook)  
Aaron Cynic