Third Coast Review is initiating a rating system for our arts reviews. Starting later this week, our reviews of films, plays, games, albums and more will carry ratings of zero to four stars, to help you decide about your next arts event or product.
You could argue (and believe me, some of us did) that you should be able to read one of our reviews and tell within the first couple of paragraphs whether you want to invest your time and money. But we sometimes have to determine a ranking anyway—for instance, for theatreinchicago.com, where theater reviews are compiled.

We thought ratings would be helpful for those who want a quick read. Our reviews will be rated from zero to four stars with half stars in use too. Zero means “Awful: not if your life depends upon it” and four advises “Amazing: Rearrange schedules, change plans, don't miss this!” Two examples of the images you’ll see with our reviews are shown with this post. Tell us what you think. We’d love to hear from you.