It’s no surprise that California rock band, Bad Suns, played a sold-out show at the House of Blues on Saturday night. Bad Suns uplifted the stormy vibe with their exuberant rock bangers; bringing a glimpse of summertime to their fans. Following their release of their latest LP
Mystic Truth, Bad Suns have been on tour throughout the United States and luckily made a stop in the windy city.
Opening with their album’s introductory track, “Away We Go,” lead singer Christo Bowman seemed very ecstatic to be on stage and his enthusiasm rubbed off on the entire crowd throughout the night. Following up right after, they hyped up their fans even more by performing their top track on Spotify, “Daft Pretty Boys.” This is the song that got me into listening to the band in the first place and is among one of their best tracks! It's perfect for a summer road trip with guitar riffs that are very attractive to listen to over and over again.
The rest of their set was just as enlightening and not once did it feel like it lacked amusement for fans. They are a band I would listen to while driving for a long period of time and would want some feel-good vibes. The only negative to their sound is that many songs do start to sound similar as they are the same style and give off the same emotional feeling.
Stage presence is really important that any band needs to deliver for their fans as it can either be an unforgettable experience or a regrettable one. Thankfully these guys went all out and nothing says stage presence more than when Christo got onto the crowd of fans at the end of their set. The amount of passion that the band put into their set is what puts them in the spotlight for modern rock bands and that will help them continue to succeed. This show is definitely just what Chicago needed on such a gloomy and unexpected snowy April evening.