Hour One
Playtime is Live in Two Rivers, Wisconsin, talking economic revitalization and the arts. Plus, we'll tell you what's trending now at Third Coast Review, your one-stop on the web for movies, theater, music, videogames, museums and more. Also new music from Kristina Styklos, Todd Warner Moore, Scott Chasolen and a great Wisconsin Indie band, Pudge. Also thanks to C.W.A. (Cheeseheads With Attitude) for their "I'm a Cheesehead, Baby" parody from their album, Straight Outta Wisconsin. Great fun!
Hour Two
Playtime is live at Basil Ishkabibble's Art Gallery in Two Rivers, with music from The Locals, Pudge and C.W.A. "I'm a Cheesehead, baby!" Plus, an amazing and impossible story of liberation and fate in Nazi Germany connecting two worlds from Patrick Dewane. His show, based on a true story, is The Accidental Hero, a multi-media one-man production about a WWII American officer who miraculously liberates the Czech villages of his grandparents. Catch replays of our show, plus all you need to know on stage, screens, galleries, tech, games and so much more at ThirdCoastReview.com. What was it JFK said once? "Ich bin ein Cheesehead"—for a day. Something like that.