Just as quickly as doors opened they seemed to shut on C2E2 2021. Yes, it was different, yes, it was smaller, but somehow it still delivered. C2E2 is uniquely Chicago's in a way that other area conventions just haven't been able to achieve, because they choose to be.
It showcases what it is to be a nerd in Chicago, not just a nerd in general, with local flavor from sponsors and speakers to beers and beyond, and it's why we're so proud to be the ones bringing you all the details from each day of the con.
Saturday was perhaps the biggest day of the convention, as it usually is, and Sunday was slower than in years past, as you'd expect, but the cosplayers always show up to C2E2, and they do so with amazing costumes the likes of which you just can't find other places.
Enjoy our gallery of the great cosplay we saw roaming the floor on Sunday, and stay tuned for our final panel catchup and a special look at Saturday night's cosplay celebration.