Review: Ibeyi’s Connection With Their Fans Highlights Their Magnificent Thalia Hall Set
It’s been a while since I had the chance to see Ibeyi perform; in fact it was all the way back in 2015 at Lincoln Hall when I got to […]
It’s been a while since I had the chance to see Ibeyi perform; in fact it was all the way back in 2015 at Lincoln Hall when I got to […]
I was part of the chosen few who decided the best way to spend my St. Patrick’s Day in Chicago was to go see JAWNY and Wallice at Thalia Hall […]
There are tons of festivals that grab hold of Chicago but none quite like Lollapalooza. The once three-day festival transformed into a four-day behemoth has been taking over Grant Park […]
There’s no better way to pre-game St. Patrick’s Day than throwing down in the pit to four of the most exciting and unique hardcore bands of this generation. Hardcore-adjacent trio […]
Ah, it’s that wonderful time of the year when all the festivals start announcing their lineups! Every year the first couple months of the year are filled with rumor and […]
I first saw Sloan in the mid-‘90s, and have seen most every tour they’ve played since then. The most remarkable thing about the band is that they haven’t picked up […]
The Riviera Theatre is a handful of years into its second century in Chicago and I guarantee you it’s never seen a professional whistler open for one of indie’s most […]
Last year at Sacred Rose, in the middle of thunderstorm cancellations and the hot sun beating down, I had the chance to see Cory Wong perform for the first time. […]
I’m going to start this review by being totally up front with all of you Prince Daddy & The Hyena fans out there with your pitchforks and knives at the […]
Last year, The Salt Shed debuted their outdoor stage and safe to say, it was fantastic. They successfully managed to capture a festival-like feel and transport it to the their […]
We’re rushing through the year as we enter a brand new month and that means another round of Bandcamp Friday! At the end of January, Bandcamp announced their 2023 plans […]
New York natives, Quarters of Change, sold out a Monday night show at the Chop Shop on one of many stops during their Into The Rift tour. The quartet is […]