Film Review: In Her Name, Largely Quiet and Mostly Satisfying
In the harrowing, true-life story that spans nearly 30 years, In Her Name tells the story of Andre Bamberski (the great French king of angst, Daniel Auteuil), who finds out […]
In the harrowing, true-life story that spans nearly 30 years, In Her Name tells the story of Andre Bamberski (the great French king of angst, Daniel Auteuil), who finds out […]
If you’re a James Franco completist (and honestly, who amongst us isn’t?), then you know this can be a tiring occupation at times. In 2016 alone, the man acted in […]
Mr. & Mrs. Pennyworth have an important task—to keep fairy tales alive. And Odin, like any good marketing executive, has outsourced the job to them. This family-friendly show is a […]
Whether you are doing some last minute shopping or tireless crafting for the various holidays going on this weekend, you know you need a break. Luckily your curated weekend is […]
Before we go any further, let’s make one thing clear. This review contains spoilers. Proceed with caution. I’ll never quite understand the mentality that dictates that you can only like […]
I enter every film based on anything other than an original screenplay the same way: I’m of a firm belief that you shouldn’t have to have had any exposure to […]
[soliloquy id=”8390″] We’re only four days out from Christmas, everyone! We here at Third Coast hope the rest of your holiday planning, travelling and shopping go well, but we also […]
I’ve had many people ask me about this film (perhaps because it’s one of the few holiday releasees suitable for the entire family), and they’ve referred to it as “that […]
Welcome back to Third Coast Rewind where we are continuing to share selected readings from the Kill Your Darlings series. Chicago’s live lit series Kill Your Darlings was originally performed […]
2016 has been quite the tumultuous year, however, luckily the music has remained as stellar as ever. The Third Coast Review music crew has rounded up our top tracks of […]
On a clear, frigid evening last week, despite the rush of traffic outside on Michigan Avenue and the fifteen hundred people seated inside, their breath still visible in the chilled […]
Lucas Hnath’s play The Christians at Steppenwolf Theatre challenges the belief systems of its characters on stage as well as those of religious and nonreligious audience members. The heart of The Christians […]