Recipe: Raise a Glass with Women-Led Spirit Companies at The Dearborn

In celebration of Women’s History Month this March, The Dearborn is spotlighting women-led and -owned spirits by featuring them on their beverage menu throughout the month. The Dearborn owners and sisters ,Amy and Clodagh Lawless, take pride in highlighting women in the industry—especially in such a male-dominated field. Not only can you visit The Dearborn for feminist-forward drinks, but you can make one at home and support women-owned and -led businesses all from your very own bar cart.

The Dearborn shared one of the recipes being featured this month, Hung Up on Lychees, which honors Dr. Sonat Birnecker Hart, owner and founder of Koval Distillery, and Anne Brock, master distiller of Bombay Gin.

Photo courtesy of The Dearborn.

Hung up on Lychees


1oz Jasmine Green Tea-Infused Koval Vodka/Bombay Gin (50/50 split base)
.5oz Ketel One Cucumber & Mint
.5oz Fruitful Yuzu
.25oz St. Germain
2oz Lychee Juice
.25oz Lemon Juice
1 Lychee Pearl Muddled

Shake all ingredients hard, strain and serve in an etched martini glass, straight up, no garnish necessary.

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Caroline Huftalen

Caroline L. Huftalen is the food editor at Third Coast Review and columnist behind Dear Cinnamon. Her reviews and interviews can also be seen on Huftalen is the founder of Survivors Project, Inc. which raises awareness for domestic violence by sharing stories of survival. A graduate of the University at Buffalo and the Savannah College of Art of Design. Huftalen lives in Chicago with her family and is currently writing a novel.