Your Chicago Curated Weekend: 8/31 – 9/3
It’s Labor Day weekend! While many of you will be going out of town, maybe taking a trip to the Bristol Renaissance Faire for the final weekend of the season, […]
It’s Labor Day weekend! While many of you will be going out of town, maybe taking a trip to the Bristol Renaissance Faire for the final weekend of the season, […]
Now that the eclipse is behind us and we’re figuring out what to do with our solar glasses (donate them!), we can focus on all the events going on in […]
It’s big weekend for fun and unique events with the Air and Water Show taking over the lakefront and people heading out of town and down into southern Illinois to get […]
We are a week away from the solar eclipse! Before every one drops what they’re doing to experience that cosmic beauty, you have a full week of fun events ahead […]
This weekend is looking full of some pretty great events! It’s overflowing with concerts, reading, and unique events that make Chicago such a great city to live in. So whether […]
Another summer weekend behind us, another festival done. While I sat out Lollapalooza this year, I’m sure many are still recovering from the unusually cool temps and exercise darting between […]
Ah, Lollapalooza weekend. The biggest music festival in Chicago is taking over Grant Park this weekend and unless you got tickets way back in March, you may be stuck at […]
This past week, Chicago hosted the 8th International Urban Sketchers Symposium, drawing over 600 artists and hobbyists from all over the world to fill their sketchpads with the bustling life […]
It’s Lollapalooza week! The now four day festival is kicking off on Thursday and most of the pre/after shows are sold out. Don’t fret, there are still plenty of things […]
It’s another fun weekend with tons of events! Don’t miss out on all the festivals, theater and music events going on in our wonderful city. Plus it looks like the […]
Summer’s still kicking and there is so much to do in our fantastic city. Let’s give this final full week of July a nice fresh start! MONDAY & TUESDAY, JULY […]
Go away rain! P4K is this weekend and the last thing we need rainfall cutting this year’s amazing lineup short. If you aren’t up to date on P4K’s offerings this […]